Taking time to chat day to day

Taking time to chat day to day

Friday, December 30, 2011

good bye tree

I was so sad to take down the tree....but my livingroom seems big:) Since we know that isn't true, it is nice to remember how easy it is to change our perspective. Not quite ready for new years resolutions, but hope to remember when I'm unhappy that maybe I just need a change in perspective!

I also want to remember to put up my own tree! Amber did a great job but it just didn't seem the same not doing it myself. Oh crap just realized I didn't take down the lights on the porch!!! I guess the stars can symbolize the new year. Oh well....we can only do what we can do!

Oh yeah!!!! I am a deep thinker---especially when on vaction. HAHAHA

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

why my tree is still UP

Yes this is a shock!!! I have always taken down the tree the day after Christmas. My house is too small, the tree looks sad without presents, and yet it still stands. And will stand until Friday. Why oh why?? Am I just lazy this year? Or maybe more sentimental?  I pondered this all day yesterday.

First of all, last night I realized I had not put on the ornament I got a Bransen! So now my tree is completed. Second, I'm off the mom's to see my aunt, uncle and sis. I really appreciated Amber and Austin putting up the tree but want to take it down myself.....maybe I am too picky:)
Third, maybe I'm just not ready to let this Christmas go. I was sick the week before and did not get to enjoy the anticipation as much as in the past. Also the white elephant my Mom talked about....our first Christmas without Dad. And most of all, our last Christmas with a kid in the house.

At 18, Austin would be offended to know I called him a kid....but it oculd be worse since I think of him as my baby! He graduates from high schoo lin May. This is something we have never experienced in our family....on mine or Steve's side. There are no littles for Christmas. This year we bought some things for a friend's small children...but not the same. It seems wierd to let go off some of our traditions. After talking with the kids they don't want to let them go either.

Here's some examples----
      stockings-this was my last year to do stockings for the kids. I told them this and they jumped on the idea of doing stockings for each other.
     santa cookies- I did not do this this year but Amber and Austin did!
     decorations- I did not put out all 11 boxes of decorations this year(too sick) and guess what? Christmas still came and we had a great time
      mountains of gifts-I have told the kids we are cutting back. I am going to try to do bigger birthday gifts and smaller Christmas(we will see how successful I am)

I was so blessed to be able to spend Christmas day with all my kids. Christmas Eve with Mom was the beginning of a new tradition! Um, Festival of Lights will probably not become a tradition. LOL

So regardless of the adjectives to describe this Christmas-wonderful, first, last- our celebrations were a time to be with family.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Hello little blog....

I missed you.. Have I really been that busy? No probably not, but how easy to get lost in the busyness of our lives. September, October, November, most of December....and no posts! If this post was a person we would be fighting apparently, but no....just busy. My blog does reflect on how well I am taking care of myself. Before this year ends I want to recommit to taking care of myself. Physicall, emotionally, and spiritually. My journey continues.

After lots of thought I went back to college this semester... After reading a Debbie McComber book about living your potential. She talked about God giving you clues as a child to the job most suited to you. The job you are meant to have. As a child my favorite memory was going to the library. I wanted to read them all. I remember leaving with a stack I could barely carry. Being surrounded by the lovely smell and the covers all calling to me---Read Me First!

My mom developed my love of books and it is the greatest gift she gave me. I remember nap time, lying on mom's bed....she had her book and I had mine. She read poetry to me one time during a tornado!

 Being able to escape into a story is such a blessing. A blessing not everyone has. I remember when I had my third child-Amber. I was reading a Stephen King novel(don't remember which) when I went into labor so I packed my book. After she was born, the nursing staff was so sweet to me. I heard them talking in the hallway, she has to at home let her rest. Oh year, I used the time to READ!! Even when they finally brought her to me, I put her in my lap and read.

I potty trained Andrea by reading Little Golden books to her. Books are my friends! Maybe I will get a book for Christmas....probably not . but I am giving books as gifts.

Well it felt good to write some. Hopefully I will be able to get back into this habit.