Taking time to chat day to day

Taking time to chat day to day

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Vacation Update

So yes it has been a week since I have been home and I am just now posting anything about the fantastic family trip I got to take. Along with Steve and all the kids we made the big journey to Ohio to see Steve's family. I can't get caught up all at once so maybe day by day.
Day 1--Friday July 8
We rented the 15 passenger van, loaded up and headed to mom's with Andrea and Austin. The plan was that Steve would sleep all afternoon and be ready to drive ALL the way. Yeah that's the plan--he will drive ALL the way-stopping for gas,restroom and food. Hmmmmm
The rest of the kids made it to mom's after work. We ate the last Okie food for a while(thanks mom) and headed out about 8:30.
This was fun until it got dark....and until Tulsa traffic....oh yeah I HATE riding in cars. This will be a great trip.
At 1:30am Sat. Steve could no longer stay awake,I was sleepy too soooooo we took a long break in Lebanon MO to sleep in the parking lot of a McDonalds. Everyone sleep well except for the person who had Austin laid out all over them--uhhh that would be ME!!!
About 3:30 everyone woke up---Amber was first to get too hot to sleep. Back on the road---lots of fog, a semi off the road. Stopped outside St. Louis and then on the road again. I'm sure all the kids have great pics of the Arch but not me I was on the look out for traffic:)
Yes I drove for a while after a stop in Effingham for breakfast and a stop for White Castle. Then I happily drove the monster van(yes I did cry....I was scared!)
Then the exciting part....Johnny Appleseed's grave.  Yes this is the good part.

I forgot flowers and felt bad.
What a wonderful story.

So after the thrill of this we decided to head on to Ohio. Everyone was excited to get there.
Elliot was the only one perky enough to crawl out of the van for this pic. He was also the one who yelled LOUDLY everytime we crossed a state line.We drove through Hicksvill where Steve's mom-Barb use to teach and then spent the night in Defiance. This is the end of day 1.

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